====== Squirrelmail Notes ====== ===== Squirrelmail back-end login ===== The 1st invocation of Squirrelmail is slow for reasons I could not figure out. Also I have a number of filters setup on Squirrelmail that I want it to execute periodically - this allows my other IMAP clients to already have the mail in the correct folders. Setup this cronjob to take care of this. #!/bin/bash NOW=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") basicauth="authuser:authpassword" squser=mymail@example.com sqpass=mymailpassword URL="https://mymailserver.example.com/sqmail" timeoutsecs=10 cookief=/tmp/sqmcookie.${NOW} # #curl -k -u"$basicauth" -D /tmp/sqdata -c $cookief -m $timeoutsecs -d"login_username=$squser&secretkey=$sqpass&js_autodetect_results=0&just_logged_in=1" $URL/src/redirect.php curl -k -u"$basicauth" -c $cookief -m $timeoutsecs -d"login_username=$squser&secretkey=$sqpass&js_autodetect_results=0&just_logged_in=1" $URL/src/redirect.php curl -k -u"$basicauth" -b $cookief -m $timeoutsecs $URL/src/webmail.php curl -k -u"$basicauth" -b $cookief -m $timeoutsecs $URL/src/right_main.php curl -k -u"$basicauth" -b $cookief -m $timeoutsecs $URL/src/left_main.php curl -k -u"$basicauth" -b $cookief -m $timeoutsecs $URL/src/signout.php rm $cookief # exit Note: * Remove Basic Auth if you don't have one enabled. * Remove HTTPS and/or -k option depending on your SSL setup * the -D of course is optional