====== Nagios Plugin - Metrics from HTTP Log ====== File: http_stat #!/bin/bash # # Get Metrics from Apache log # Written by Senthil Nathan # Last Modified: June 1st 2017 # # Usage: ./http_stat -f access_log_file -g search_pattern -w Count Warn -c Count Critical # # Description: Get metrics from apache access log from 2 minutes ago # # This plugin is to check the lines generated by the log in the previous 2 minutes # Assumes apache log time stamp of format "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M" # E.g. 08/Dec/2015:10:55:15 # # Output: # # Count is OK/Warning/Critical|'$themetric'=xxxxxx;nnnnnn;mmmmmm;0 # # Examples: # # Warn if total access count / minute > 10000 # Critical if total access count > 20000 # http_stat -f /opt/apache2/HTTPServer12/logs/rts1prd-app_access_log -w 10000 -c 20000 # # http_stat -f /opt/apache2/HTTPServer12/logs/rts1prd-app_access_log -g pos -G pdf -wa 12000 -ca 14000 -wr 250000 -cr 400000 -wh2 12000 -ch2 14000 -wh3 700 -ch3 1000 -wh4 50 -ch4 75 -wh5 10 -ch5 15 # # PROGNAME=`/bin/basename $0` PROGPATH=`echo $0 | sed -e 's,[\\/][^\\/][^\\/]*$,,'` REVISION="1.0" # . $PROGPATH/utils.sh # finalstat=$STATE_UNKNOWN check_root() { # make sure script is running as root if [ `whoami` != root ]; then echo "UNKNOWN: please make sure script is running as root" exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi } print_usage() { echo "Usage: $PROGNAME -f -wa -ca -ma -wr -cr -wh2 -ch2 -wh3 -ch3 -wh4 -ch4 -wh5 -ch5 " echo "Usage: $PROGNAME --help" echo "Usage: $PROGNAME --version" } print_revision() { echo "Program: $PROGNAME" echo "Version: $REVISION" } print_help() { print_revision echo "" print_usage echo "" echo "Check total access log count 2 minutes for Nagios" echo "" } # Check user is root (not required) #check_root # Make sure the correct number of command line # arguments have been supplied if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then print_usage exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi # Grab the command line arguments thegrep="" declare -i theminia=10 exitstatus=$STATE_WARNING #default while test -n "$1"; do case "$1" in --help) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; -h) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; --version) print_revision exit $STATE_OK ;; -V) print_revision exit $STATE_OK ;; -ca) # Critical Access Counts thecrita=$2 shift ;; -wa) thewarna=$2 shift ;; -ma) theminia=$2 shift ;; -cr) # Critical Response Time thecritr=$2 shift ;; -wr) thewarnr=$2 shift ;; -ch2) # Critical HTTP Status Code 2xx thecrit2=$2 shift ;; -wh2) thewarn2=$2 shift ;; -ch3) # Critical HTTP Status Code 3xx thecrit3=$2 shift ;; -wh3) thewarn3=$2 shift ;; -ch4) # Critical HTTP Status Code 4xx thecrit4=$2 shift ;; -wh4) thewarn4=$2 shift ;; -ch5) # Critical HTTP Status Code 5xx thecrit5=$2 shift ;; -wh5) thewarn5=$2 shift ;; -f) thefile=$2 shift ;; --filename) thefile=$2 shift ;; -G) thegrep="$thegrep | grep -v $2 " shift ;; --Grep) thegrep="$thegrep | grep -v $2 " shift ;; -g) thegrep="$thegrep | grep $2 " shift ;; --grep) thegrep="$thegrep | grep $2 " shift ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: $1" print_usage exit $STATE_UNKNOWN ;; esac shift done # Validate arguments if [ -z $thecritr ] || [ -z $thewarnr ] || [ -z $thecrita ] || [ -z $thewarna ] || \ [ -z $thecrit2 ] || [ -z $thewarn2 ] || [ -z $thecrit3 ] || [ -z $thewarn3 ] || \ [ -z $thecrit4 ] || [ -z $thewarn4 ] || [ -z $thecrit5 ] || [ -z $thewarn5 ] ; then print_usage exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi if [ -z $thefile ]; then print_usage exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi # Check begins here # PMIN=`date --date '-2 min' +"%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M"` declare -i accesscount=0 declare -i responsetime declare -i http2cnt=0 http3cnt=0 http4cnt=0 http5cnt=0 # #THE_CMD="grep $PMIN $thefile $thegrep | wc -l" #accesscount=`eval $THE_CMD` THE_CMD="grep $PMIN $thefile $thegrep|awk '{ sum += \$11; n++ } END { if (n > 0) printf(\"%d\", sum / n); }'" responsetime=`eval $THE_CMD` THE_CMD="grep $PMIN $thefile $thegrep|awk '{print int(\$9/100)}'|sort|uniq -c" IFS=$'\n' for output in `eval $THE_CMD`; do http_count=`echo $output|awk '{print $1}'` accesscount=$((accesscount + http_count)) http_stats=`echo $output|awk '{print $2}'` if [ $http_stats -eq 2 ]; then http2cnt=$http_count elif [ $http_stats -eq 3 ]; then http3cnt=$http_count elif [ $http_stats -eq 4 ]; then http4cnt=$http_count elif [ $http_stats -eq 5 ]; then http5cnt=$http_count fi done infostr="" if [ $accesscount -lt $thewarna ]; then infostr="$infostr Access Count is OK." outa=$STATE_OK else if [ $accesscount -ge $thecrita ]; then infostr="$infostr Access Count is Critical." outa=$STATE_CRITICAL elif [ $accesscount -ge $thewarna ]; then infostr="$infostr Access Count is Warning." outa=$STATE_WARNING fi fi # if [ $responsetime -lt $thewarnr ]; then infostr="$infostr Response Time is OK." outr=$STATE_OK else if [ $responsetime -ge $thecritr ]; then infostr="$infostr Response Time is Critical." outr=$STATE_CRITICAL elif [ $responsetime -ge $thewarnr ]; then infostr="$infostr Response Time is Warning." outr=$STATE_WARNING fi fi # if [ $http2cnt -lt $thewarn2 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 2xx Count is OK." out2=$STATE_OK else if [ $http2cnt -ge $thecrit2 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 2xx Count is Critical." out2=$STATE_CRITICAL elif [ $http2cnt -ge $thewarn2 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 2xx Count is Warning." out2=$STATE_WARNING fi fi # if [ $http3cnt -lt $thewarn3 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 3xx Count is OK." out3=$STATE_OK else if [ $http3cnt -ge $thecrit3 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 3xx Count is Critical." out3=$STATE_CRITICAL elif [ $http3cnt -ge $thewarn3 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 3xx Count is Warning." out3=$STATE_WARNING fi fi # if [ $http4cnt -lt $thewarn4 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 4xx Count is OK." out4=$STATE_OK else if [ $http4cnt -ge $thecrit4 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 4xx Count is Critical." out4=$STATE_CRITICAL elif [ $http4cnt -ge $thewarn4 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 4xx Count is Warning." out4=$STATE_WARNING fi fi # if [ $http5cnt -lt $thewarn5 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 5xx Count is OK." out5=$STATE_OK else if [ $http5cnt -ge $thecrit5 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 5xx Count is Critical." out5=$STATE_CRITICAL elif [ $http5cnt -ge $thewarn5 ]; then infostr="$infostr HTTP 5xx Count is Warning." out5=$STATE_WARNING fi fi if [ $outa -eq $STATE_CRITICAL ] || [ $outr -eq $STATE_CRITICAL ] || [ $out5 -eq $STATE_CRITICAL ] || \ [ $out2 -eq $STATE_CRITICAL ] || [ $out3 -eq $STATE_CRITICAL ] || [ $out4 -eq $STATE_CRITICAL ]; then finalstat=$STATE_CRITICAL elif [ $outa -eq $STATE_WARNING ] || [ $outr -eq $STATE_WARNING ] || [ $out5 -eq $STATE_WARNING ] || \ [ $out2 -eq $STATE_WARNING ] || [ $out3 -eq $STATE_WARNING ] || [ $out4 -eq $STATE_WARNING ]; then finalstat=$STATE_WARNING else finalstat=$STATE_OK fi # If the Minimum Access Count is not reached then force OK! if [ $accesscount -lt $theminia ]; then infostr="Access count is below min required ${theminia}. Forcing OK. $infostr" finalstat=$STATE_OK fi outstrh_a="Access Count=${accesscount}" outstrh_r="Response Time=${responsetime}us" outstrh_2="HTTP 2xx Count=${http2cnt}" outstrh_3="HTTP 3xx Count=${http3cnt}" outstrh_4="HTTP 4xx Count=${http4cnt}" outstrh_5="HTTP 5xx Count=${http5cnt}" outstrp_a="'Access Count'=${accesscount};${thewarna};${thecrita};0" outstrp_r="'Response Time'=${responsetime}us;${thewarnr};${thecritr};0" outstrp_2="'HTTP 2xx Count'=${http2cnt};${thewarn2};${thecrit2};0" outstrp_3="'HTTP 3xx Count'=${http3cnt};${thewarn3};${thecrit3};0" outstrp_4="'HTTP 4xx Count'=${http4cnt};${thewarn4};${thecrit4};0" outstrp_5="'HTTP 5xx Count'=${http5cnt};${thewarn5};${thecrit5};0" infostr=`echo $infostr|sed 's/^ //'` echo "$infostr $outstrh_a $outstrh_r $outstrh_2 $outstrh_3 $outstrh_4 $outstrh_5|$outstrp_a $outstrp_r $outstrp_2 $outstrp_3 $outstrp_4 $outstrp_5" #echo "$themetric Check Unknown" exit $finalstat