Steps to be followed when using application builder
Lists in detail the options to be used when using application build to build all pages consistently. All application pages should reside within some folder and not on the root directory. Only Header/Footer/Login/etc may reside on the root directory.
Wizard steps
Below is how to use the wizard and options to be chosen
Choose “Create a New Page”
Choose the existing connection
Builder Options
Check Enable smart naming
Choose auto increment PK depending on if you are using sequences for that table or NOT
Uncheck “Use single keyword field …”
Uncheck “Publish site after …”
Check “Use popup date picker”
Check “Internationalized”
Check “Save Builder Options”
Choose “Display buttons as Buttons and NOT Images”
Select the tables - the point to note here is that if you are using multiple tables they all use the above options (especially the PK one)
On the generate page components page
For each table choose the options to generate and security to choose from
Click on each table (if multiple and do the following)
Search Option
Think through the fields to search on, and exclude Audit fields (such as create/update user/date)
On the control type for all fields, check each one and mark them all as “TextBox”. Some of them will be “Listbox” depending on if you have FKs on in the table. Do no leave them as Listbox or it will create a join SQL and mess/complicate the underlying SQL.
Leave Orientation as Vertical
Click the advanced button and choose
POST method with validation
Multiple columns using AND condition
Check “Add a clear option/link”
Check “Make search button active by default”
Grid Option (click on the tab)
Link Option (usually no changes here)
Record Option
Choose PK if not already chosen correctly
Again make sure the Control type is “TextBox” for all controls
Choose a more likable page name
Preview (ignore this one)
Click next and choose the style
Click next and pretty much ignore the summary listed!
Click Finish
Post Wizard changes
There will typically be a list and maint screen for each table - unless some funky options were chosen. Here are the set of things to do to get the page going
Open locales and update all of the descriptions to be more readable
Change all of the reference table related fields (especially the _SW columns) to become listboxes and choose from the reference table. Below is the procedure. This needs to be done for both the maint and list pages.
Right-click on field and change to Listbox
In the properties choose
Connection (e.g. dbconn1)
Data Source (e.g.RT_VALUES), Using query builder do the following
Choose code and description values to display and they could be the same (e.g. RT_VALUE)
Choose where clause - e.g. RT_ID = 'YESNO'
Choose order by clause - e.g. SORT_ORDER
An alternative to this is to choose SQL and just use this SQL: SELECT RT_VALUE FROM RT_VALUES WHERE RT_ID='YESNO' ORDER BY SORT_ORDER
Choose bound column (e.g. RT_VALUE)
Choose text column (e.g. RT_VALUE)
If using lower case column names: SELECT rt_value FROM rt_values WHERE rt_id = 'YESNO' ORDER BY sort_order
In the maint add a cancel button that does not seem to get generated by default
Click to the left of the list of buttons to insert the “Insert Button”
Add space and click Button on forms
Click on the button and replace the text under “Format –> Values” from Button1 with {res:CCS_Cancel}
Go to properties
Under Data Tab
Under Name property, Rename Button1 to Button_Cancel
Choose “Cancel” in operation
Change “Enable Validation” to No
In the maint page
Change formatting of audit fields
To be on one line with four columns
Create a header row with title as {res:OT_CR_UP_LABELS}
Format the above label with black text and box
Delete the date picker for the dates
Change audit fields as indicated
In the list page
Center all _SW fields (rather than being left justified for text)